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“Doo” Colorado Right Campaign Aims to Solve State’s Increasing Poop Problem


A red C shape with a yellow circle in the middle. Underneath it says "Colorado Come to Life"A line drawing of a leaf above the word "pact"The shape of a gear with a graphic of a mountain peak in the middle of it. Beneath that it says "Gunnison Crested Butte"


Free PACT Lite Outdoor bathroom kits distributed starting Memorial Day Weekend will make backcountry bathroom practices easier while keeping human waste from polluting waters and public lands

Gunnison, Colo. (May 9, 2023) —  The pandemic prompted thousands more people to hike, bike, and camp in public lands – causing an even bigger problem with human waste, which can pollute water sources and spread diseases. The “Doo” Colorado Right campaign aims to help solve this increasing issue by distributing over 3,500 free PACT Lite Kits — lightweight all-in-one bathroom kits for outdoor adventures —  through visitor centers and trail organizations across Colorado, starting Memorial Day weekend.


“DOO” Colorado Right Details

“Doo” Colorado Right is an initiative by PACT Outdoors, Gunnison Crested Butte’s Tourism & Prosperity Partnership (TAPP), and the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO). It aims to educate & encourage people to be stewards of Colorado’s public lands, while equipping outdoor users with the right tools to recreate responsibly and to reduce waste in the outdoors.

“The Doo Colorado Right campaign aligns perfectly with the Gunnison County Tourism and Prosperity Partnership’s mission and is a win for natural spaces, our visitors and our local economy,” said Andrew Sandstrom, TAPP Marketing Director. “The campaign helps us support sustainable tourism efforts, educates visitors to be stewards of our public lands, and gives them the needed tools to responsibly use the bathroom in our public lands.”

The “Doo” Colorado Right initiative lines up with the CTO’s statewide Do Colorado Right campaign that encourages visitors and locals to behave responsibly in Colorado’s outdoors.  Following proper bathroom etiquette when outdoors is also one of the Care for Colorado Leave No Trace principles.

A small silver shovel that says "pact." It is serrated on one side. There is also a black container that holds white round compressed wipes and a black rectangular pouch.

Easy, simple PACT Lite Kit: Trowel, towelette, mycelium

PACT Outdoors was founded in 2021 to combat the growing problem of overuse in the outdoors and make backcountry bathroom practice easier and more sustainable. Their all-in-one bathroom kits for outdoor adventures are easy-to-use and zero-waste. The kits include an ergonomic trowel and a towelette that uses a squirt of water to unfold into a 9″ towel. They use mycelium tablets from fungi to break down poop up to 10 times faster, while neutralizing harmful pathogens like E coli.

Their newest product, the PACT Lite Kit, has everything you need to do your business comfortably and responsibly in the backcountry — whether you’re out for a day hike or an extended trip. The entire kit weighs 120 grams (as much as a roll of toilet paper) and packs down super small. It’s made with aluminum and completely recycled PET plastic; and is guaranteed for life.

“We could not be more excited to be distributing our products to visitors throughout the state of Colorado,” said Jake Thomas, PACT Co-Founder. “The more we talk about sustainable bathroom practice, the more comfortable and prepared people will be. Poop should never be a reason that we limit access to a beautiful place and we’re committed to making it a thing of the past.”

The “Doo” Colorado Right website includes more details, a how-to video, and a map of the visitor centers and trail organizations distributing the free PACT Kits.

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Media & Editorial Contact for the “Doo” Right Campaign:

Andrew Sandstrom, TAPP Marketing Director

Email: [email protected] // Phone: 720.220.5700


Media & Editorial Contact for PACT Outdoors:

Jake Thomas, PACT Outdoors Co-Founder

Email: [email protected] // Phone:  610.334.5597


About TAPP

The Gunnison Crested Butte Tourism and Prosperity Partnership, or TAPP, was born in 2002 by popular vote of the people in Gunnison County. TAPP leverages a 4% tax on lodging to grow overnight visitation revenues for Gunnison County. TAPP also works to diversify the local economy beyond tourism with a focus on supporting local exporting businesses through the ICELab, growing enrollment at Western Colorado University, as well as actively participating on the Gunnison County Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee. For more information, visit


About PACT

PACT Outdoors is the creator of award-winning all-in-one bathroom kits for outdoor adventures. Designed in the mountains and tested in all environments, their kits reinvent the backcountry bathroom experience with a unique species of mycelium that breaks down human waste faster while reducing pathogens. PACT Outdoors is headquartered in Crested Butte, Colorado. For more information, visit:



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