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Local Business Showcase at Gunnison-Crested Butte Airport

Display your local product or service at GUC

The ICELab’s Local Business Showcase exhibits the products and services that are exported outside of Gunnison County. Large glass cases are displayed in the Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport (GUC), where travelers can see them as they arrive to and depart from the valley. This airport advertising program educates residents and visitors alike about what the business community is up to and how to support local entrepreneurs. The program is offered for free by the ICELab. If you are a local entrepreneur or small business owner who would like your product featured, see requirements and application below. 

Free advertising at Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport

About the airport

Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport is a small airport in Gunnison, Colorado. It was fully renovated in 2023. The award-winning new interior features local art, a full bar and grab-and-go food options. 

Three display cases are situated in high-traffic areas around the airport. Get your product in front of high-value customers with time on their hands. During the height of the summer and winter seasons, hundreds of passengers pass through the airport every day.

Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport advertising in display cases from the ICELab
GUC advertising by Blister in a display case sponsored by the ICELab.
A Gunnison Crested-Butte Airport advertising display case with Gnara products

How to get your product featured

Applications are open now on a rolling basis. The application and requirements for having a product or service displayed are below. 


When can I get my product or service displayed in the GUC airport?

There are three rotations per year for airport advertising and three companies will be in each rotation. The rotations are November to February, March to June, and July to October. No company can display goods/services for more than one rotation per year, and rotations cannot be consecutive.

Program requirements

How can I get my product or service displayed in the GUC airport?

• Must be either headquartered or have a majority employee base in Gunnison County
• Must be exporting goods or services outside of Gunnison County or have an export plan built
• Must have goods or services in stock and ready for display
• Must complete application form in full
• ICELab must approve design for display at least five days prior to display installation
• Must provide ICELab metrics from year prior and for the five years going forward (Revenue, # employees in county, # of high paid employees in county, # of WCU interns/recent grads employed). ICELab metrics are always held with confidentiality and are only reported out in large groups that obfuscate any individual company metrics. These metrics provide support to the ICELab and its funders on how economic development efforts in the valley are progressing.


Ready to submit your application for the Local Business Showcase? Click the button below to get started!

Still have questions?

Please reach out to ICELab program manager Ben Engman at [email protected] with any questions.

Program participants

The Gunnison Valley businesses listed below are currently featured or have participated in the program in the past:

"*" indicates required fields

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